Frank photo

Personal Travel

Eclipspedition 2017

Been There

I enjoy travel, now mostly in my 2010 Toyota Tacoma TRD Offroad (previously a 1999 4Runner), SnugTop topper, and tent to out-of-the-way places. I particularly like exploring the deserts of the southwestern US. Summer and fall fill the local area with weekend arts, crafts, and wine festivals. We enjoyed trailer camping with our children all around the US. We still belong to Thousand Trails under this contract. Other memorable trips included Europe, Peru, and houseboating on Lake Havasu and on the Sacramento River Delta (California). The map on the right was produced from here. Brian offers this RV camping checklist funded by his Amazon links.

Disclaimer: Though I enjoy offroad driving, I appear in none of these photos.

Frank Nemec photo

The photo below (from Truck Camper Magazine) isn't mine, but shows the kind of dark sky camping that I'd like to do.

Dark Sky Camping


My wife and I have been timeshare owners since 1987, when we bought two Winter High (Red) weeks/year at the Plaza Resort Club in Reno, NV. For many years, that was our home base for family skiing at Lake Tahoe. Now we trade those weeks into RCI Points.

We added some WorldMark points about a decade later. WorldMark provides a consistent high level of quality and service at very good locations with points flexibility.

We also own points with Diamond Resorts. They provide a higher quality level at a higher price.


We acquired an ownership at Vidanta in 2015. These are very high-end beach resorts in Mexico. Great resorts, but the purchase was a mistake.