
This Sunday evening Bible study at Valley Church met Sundays 6:30-8pm in room 3191. We currently meet via Google Meet some Sundays 6:30-8pm. All are welcome. On June 10, 2012, this class began a series on the history of Israel and Judah. No one will be denied participation, or even hounded, if they don't do the reading. However, all will be strongly encouraged to do the reading. Class time will not include reading of all the text.

The course is taught from a historical critical perspective. My objective is to discern what each text means. That is, what ideas were the origilal author communicating, and how their direct audience would understand them. This rules out the practice of pesher, reading later ideas into the text. That also rules out application of doctrines of inspiration to place ideas into the text not clearly indended by the author.

The course notes include the objectives of the course and the preparations I expect from students. Most important is reading (only) the texts, thinking about the questions, and taking notes. These notes will be continually updated as the class is developed. In general, detailed comments on the text will be added after we have discussed them in class.

Schedule Notes

Candidates for upcoming classes:

Feb 18, 2024 6:30pm likely


This class is NOT an official Discipleship Elective class of Valley Church. We meet with permission in room 3191 at Valley Church of Cupertino. We can bring friends, but we cannot publicize it as an official Valley event.

If you would be interested in this class, or want to suggest other topics, .